Purham and Associates
Purham and Associates Podcast
Special guest: Dr. Sal Giorgianni, Sr. Sci. Adv., MHN

Special guest: Dr. Sal Giorgianni, Sr. Sci. Adv., MHN

Join Randy Purham and Dr. Sal Giorgianni as they discuss Minority Health Awareness Month, the WHOs claims of overuse of antibiotics during COVID-19, and what men need to do to improve their health.
Purham and Associates
Purham and Associates Podcast
A production of The Exceptional Conservative Network (TECNtv.com), Purham & Associates brings a latest in politics, authors, and industry leaders to discuss a variety of topics to keep the citizenry informed. Airing twice a week on Monday & Friday 12P C/1P ET. Follow on all favorite platforms @Rpurham.